Lymphedema Therapy
Lymphedema most often occurs after cancer treatment, but can also be hereditary condition or due to cardiovascular insufficiency (CVI). It can cause swelling , heaviness and aching in the area affected, but if untreated can lead to increased risk of infection and wounds.
Your provider at COPE PT is certified in helping control and manage lymphedema through the use of Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT). CDT consists of four parts including Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) which is a gentle hands-on technique, meticulous skin care, compression bandaging/garments, and decongestive exercises.
Initial management of lymphedema is intensive, and patients work closely with their therapist in developing a treatment plan that will best address the swelling and fit the patient's needs. Maintenance management will consist of wearing appropriate compression garments daily and decongestive exercises to keep the swelling under control. For further information please contact us.